Saturday, April 20, 2013


Where does the time go??? It does not feel like it could possibly be two years since I was laying in the hospital, about to be induced to have my first child. I can still remember everything (well, before & after the drugs) like it just happened last week...some things I wouldn't mind forgetting, ya know? But I can honestly say, for the most part, my labor and delivery experience with Hudson went nice and smoothly.  I wish I could say I was one of those women who was brave enough to go natural, but I'd be lying through my teeth. I was nervous about being induced, about how quickly things would progress, that the epidural would wear off before he came, and that I'd have to ultimately end up with a c-section. (after 2+ hours of pushing I'd rather have gotten that c-section, but that's neither here nor there) So many emotions and thoughts rushed through me as I prepared to meet the little man who I'd felt kickboxing me for the last 9 months. Would I be a good mom to him? Would I love him enough? How would I even handle this!?? HA! But even through all the contractions (that I didn't feel), the exhausting pushing that ultimately resulted in an oxygen mask, a little game of tug-o-war with the nurse to give me some resistance, and a near c-section, we welcomed the most beautiful baby boy I've ever laid my eyes on at 1:58pm on 4/20/11. 
These last 2 years as his mama have been the most rewarding, trying, exciting, tiring, AMAZING years of my life!! I wouldn't trade motherhood for one single thing in this world. Hudson has been an absolute joy in my life and I count myself more blessed than I ever could deserve to be his mom.
All the sleepless nights, the teething, the growth spurts, the countless diaper changes, the whole YEAR of pumping....I'd do every bit of it all over again for this little guy.
He fills my life with such joy, purpose, and meaning.

And because an emotional post wouldn't be complete without a little walk down memory lane....

Hudson, Mommy & Daddy love you more than you will ever know. Maybe one day when you have kids of your own, you will understand the extent of our love for you. Until then, we will show you every single day with our words, actions, and memories we make with you. You have enriched our lives more than any amount of money or material possessions could ever do and we promise to be the best parents we can possibly be to you. You are such a smart, sweet, friendly, silly, strong-willed, curious, brave, goofy, intelligent little boy and you make us so proud every day. 

Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet boy. We hope your day is filled with joy, happiness, lots of family and friends, more fun than you can shake a stick at, ice cream, and CAKE!!!!

Let's hope the next 2 years don't go quite as fast. Mama can't handle it!! :)


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