Monday, January 03, 2011

24 Weeks

*Yes I realize you can see the panel on the pants through the shirt. I kinda just threw something on to get a decent pic. :-) *

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Size of baby: Around 11 inches long(head to toe), and the size of an eggplant. Weighs about 1.7 lbs!
Total Weight Gain: 16 pounds! I've read that is pretty right on track....just seems like so much to me!!
Maternity Clothes: Pants! I've had to get a few shirts, mostly for length.
Stretch Marks: No. Maybe it will stay that way. :-)
Belly button in or out: Still in, but it's getting more shallow.
Gender: BOY! Hudson Thomas Puckett :)
Movement: I feel him on a daily basis now and love it. He's usually the most active mid-morning and in the evening. Lately he's been waiting to be active when I'm laying down for bed! HA! I've been able to lay there and see my belly move when he kicks. It's wild!
Food Cravings/Aversions: I haven't been craving anything new, or really anything at all for that matter. I just like food! :-)
What I miss: Sleeping on my back, and being able to breathe through my nose.
Sleep: Sleep has been OK...just can't get enough of it! HA!
Symptoms: Tiredness, backaches, and nasal congestion.
Best Moment this week: Spending the weekend with good friends, Alabama winning their bowl game, and starting a new year that will bring a lot of firsts for Joseph and me. We're very excited about what 2011 has in store, and the sweet memories we'll make along the way. It's hard to believe in about 3 1/2 months, we'll meet our precious baby boy! We can't wait!!

Happy first Monday of 2011! I hope it's a great start to a great year for all of you!!


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