Wednesday, October 09, 2013

1 Month!

 These two little blessings are one month old today!!! Craziness! 

 I still can't believe they've been in our lives that long....and I still can't believe I have twins!! HA! When will that sink in, anyway?!?!?! ;)
 Grayson was not having it, in case you couldn't tell. He was hungry but I wanted to take pictures while they were both awake and the lighting was good in their room. He was, even though he has his eyes closed in almost every single picture.
 I guess, given the fact that he's got some catching up with sister to do, I shouldn't make him wait too long to eat. HA!

Gotta love a good outtake. Sibling love at its finest, already coming out. ;-)
I think he was trying to eat her hand and she was trying to punch his face!

Grayson & Raegan, you have so many people in your life who love you. Mommy & Daddy are so thankful for you and your big brother loves you to the moon and back already!
Happy 1 month birthday!


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