Thursday, June 03, 2010

Sad Times

There have been a lot of stars dying lately. I know some people say they are more important things to worry about: like our economic state, the oil-spill, the health care reform. These are all things to worry about, of course. But, these people were just that: PEOPLE! Human beings with souls and it is so sad when anyone passes away, even someone you didn't know at all, but part of you feels like you kinda do from watching them on TV. Gary Coleman had a brain hemorrhage, Rue McClanahan had a stroke, and it seems just like yesterday when Patrick Swayze and Bea Arthur passed away. I watched The Golden Girls all the time when I was younger! It's hard to believe that Betty White is the only living Golden Girl left. Death is hard to deal with. Whether it's someone you loved dearly, someone you knew as an acquaintance, or someone you just watched on's hard, it's sad. And some circumstances are harder and sadder than others. I'm tired of seeing people pass away, as I know you all are too. So here's to all of you: Rue, Gary, Patrick, Bea, and the many others......I shall go home and watch The Golden Girls and think of you, Rue and Bea...and when I say "Whatchu talkin 'bout Willis?" I will think of Gary, and when I hear "I've Had the Time of My Life", I'll think of Mr. Swayze. Enough of the death, let's have some life, some positive things happening, something to rejoice in!!

Note: I am aware that this post was somewhat corny; that was partly my intention, although I am truly saddened by these passings and truly mean it when I say: Rest In Peace.


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