Tuesday, June 28, 2011

2 Month Must-Haves

I always love reading about the things that are considered the "must-haves" for other moms, so I decided I'd dedicate a post to ours thus far. There are several things that we don't use yet, since he is only 2 months old after all. Anyway, here are some of the things that we either absolutely love, use every day, or can't live without...or all of the above.

The Boppy Newborn Lounger
We have used this since day 1. Hudson absolutely loves laying on it. When we're hanging out on the bed, he just lays on it for the longest time right beside me. Sometimes he'll take a 20 minute cat-nap on it. I recommend this to any new mom!

The Boppy Nursing Pillow

We all know about these and it really is a great pillow for nursing. Hudson also falls asleep a lot after nursing, usually for just a few minutes, and it's really soft and comfy for him.

Medela Bra Pads

If you're breastfeeding, you definitely have to have bra pads. I use the Medela brand and they are great! They're thick and absorbent. They are a little pricier than some other brands, and I've never used any other brands so I have no comparison. I just know these are great.

Medela Pump In Style Advanced Electric Breast Pump
I wasn't sure if this would be worth the money we spent on it, but I can safely say I have gotten my money's worth already! I pump a good bit for a few reasons. In the beginning, Hudson was jaundiced and we were also concerned about him gaining enough weight, so this was a good way to make sure he was getting enough. I also like for Joseph to be able to feed Hudson, not to mention, give me a break every now and then to have some time for myself. Hudson does OK with nursing, but he is very much a grazer. He wants a little then he's done, then 30 minutes later he wants a little more, and so on. It gets old, and pumping makes it easier to deal with.

The First Years Drying Rack
For obvious reasons, I love this. It saves so much counter space and can fit tons of things on it for drying.

Pacifier Wipes

Awesome for the diaper bag, when you're on the go!

Mylicon Gas Relief Drops

Hudson can get pretty gassy and these are a lifesaver!

Newborn to Toddler Tub
We use this every time we bathe Hudson. It's convenient and he loves laying in it.

Graco Pack 'n Play with Newborn Napper and Changing Station
We use this in our room for Hudson to sleep in. He used the napper until a few weeks ago and he now sleeps on the mattress at the top level. The changing station is extremely convenient for diaper changes in the middle of the night, even though we hardly ever have those. This is definitely something we find invaluable!

Disposable Diaper Bags

I can't tell you how much I love these! I keep lots of these in his diaper bag for diaper changes on the go. They completely block out the odor so I'm not having to smell his diapers in my car until we get home! ;)

Chicco Travel System

We have been using this a lot more lately and we love it. The carseat is great...although it is a little heavy. It has a newborn insert but we just took it out since he's over 11 lbs now. It clicks right into the stroller and the stroller pushes and turns SO SO smoothly!

The Bumbo Seat
We've just started using this and are still getting the hang of it....we're almost totally able to hold our head up! ;) I have a feeling this will be as awesome as the lounger has been!
I've found you also can't have too many burp cloths, blankets, onesies for around the house, wipes and diapers of course, and Lanolin cream if you're breastfeeding. We've started using a carrier a little here and there and he seems to like it. We picked up a Moby Wrap the other day and I'm anxious to use it! Since Hudson is still in our room, we haven't used our monitors yet, but I have no doubt they will be priceless once we move him to his room. (We have a Summer Infant video monitor and an Angel Care movement monitor with 2 parent units.)

I'd love to hear about the things that work for you and your little one, no matter their age.

Have a wonderful day!!


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