Sunday, July 10, 2011

Crock-Pot Ribs

This recipe calls for boneless "country style" ribs. You can find them with the other cuts of pork. These are great when you're wanting some ribs but don't want to mess with the bone-in baby backs or spare ribs. There are 3 ingredients, aside from the ribs themselves so it 's super easy. And you gotta love a crock-pot recipe! The ingredients end up flavoring and glazing the ribs with a light sauce, so I add BBQ sauce to them when they're just about done. I like mine saucy! :-)

Crock-Pot Boneless Ribs

1-2 packages boneless country-style ribs (I just used 1 pack, and probably should've used 2)
1 can Coca Cola - must be regular Coke
1 Cup Ketchup
1 Tbsp. Tabasco

Directions: (Doesn't get much easier!)

Put ribs in crock-pot. Pour Coca-Cola over ribs. Mix ketchup and tabasco, then pour over ribs. Cook on low until cooked through and tender, appr. 7-8 hours.

When the ribs were done, I put them on a pan, covered them in BBQ sauce, and popped in the oven for about 10 minutes at around 350. I like my ribs nice and saucy and this heated the sauce up and it got all nice and glazed all over the ribs. :)

I served mine with some potato salad from Publix.(my favorite BBQ side dish!) I'm not good at potato salad so I always use theirs. The Southern Style is really good!!

I hope y'all had a great weekend. I enjoyed spending some quality time with my boys. We miss daddy while he's working during the week. :(
There's nothing sweeter than seeing things like this......
Y'all have a fantastic week!!


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