Sunday, September 09, 2012

Some Pictures of Our Weekend

 Coloring a masterpiece at Buffalo Wild Wings yesterday.

Hudson loves the balloons at Publix. He finally got one!

A Bama balloon at that!! RTR! 

"This is a nice hat, Daddy!"

"Touch your head!" 

"Touch your nose!" 

Bird break...... 


Momma and her sweet boy. (and yes, I wore white...after Labor Day. sue me.)


Hudson and Momma with Russ-man 

 Two of my favorite guys.


 My heart!

Love these two!!

The love of my life!! It's hard to believe exactly 3 months from today we'll be celebrating 6 years of marriage, and 12 total years together! 

So thankful to be married to my best friend. 

You can really see how his hair has grown in this picture. 

Daddy's gonna get you! 

We went down to spend a couple hours with my parents and grandparents. It's been a while since we got together with my grandparents so it was nice to spend time with them. Hudson loved it! It was an amazingly beautiful day so we had to take advantage of it for some pics. My mom and Nana stayed inside so they didn't get in on the photo shoot. Next time! 

Tuckered out from a great weekend!

I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend as well!!


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